Since it was first introduced in March 1998, no other therapy for managing erectile dysfunction has received widespread public recognition, other than Viagra.
Potenzmittel Viagra is a drug that has the generic name sildenafil, helps increase blood flow to the penis so that its owner can maintain an erection.
But did you know that this popular drug was created by accident? At first, sildenafil was in the trial phase of a drug to treat angina — a condition where the arteries supply the heart with blood — constriction due to its effect that relaxes blood vessels. In the process, finally, the blue pill that we know so far was inaugurated as an anti-impotence drug.
To understand more about how Potenzmittel Viagra works, it’s a good idea to first understand how you can (and can’t) get an erection.
Mechanism of the penis to achieve an erection
Try moving one of your limbs — blink, for example, or stick out your tongue. When you move almost every limb, you do it with muscles. You think about moving it, the muscle in question will contract, and the limb you need will move. Unlike the penis. There are no muscle contractions involved in …